On August 30, 2024, MANST andSuperionic Solid Energy held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony at MANST's headquarters. The ceremony was attended by General Manager of MANST, Vice General Manager and other staff;Founder of Superionic Solid Energy, General Manager of Superionic Solid Energy and their partners. Tianyi Fang, Vice General Manager of MANST's Sales Department, and Wenshi Huang, Technical Director of Superionic Solid Energy, signed the strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of their respective parties.
According to the provisions of the strategic cooperation agreement, both parties will leverage their respective strengths in technology, market, products and solutions to engage in in-depth collaboration in areas such as intelligent equipment for the front-end of solid-state lithium-ion batteries (SSLIB). The parties will establish a long-term and stable strategic partnership, jointly promoting the high-quality development of the new energy industry and fostering a new pattern of development characterized by mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

新能源汽车的快速发展带动了动力电池的高速增长。动力电池生产流程一般可以分为前段、中段和后段三个部分。其中,前段工序包括配料、搅拌、涂布、辊压、分切等,中段工序包括卷绕/叠片、封装、烘干、注液、封口、清洗等,后段主要为化成、分容、PACK等。材料方面主要有正负极材料,隔膜,电解液,集流体,电池包相关的结构胶,缓存,阻燃,隔热,外壳结构材料等材料。 为了更好促进行业人士交流,艾邦搭建有锂电池产业链上下游交流平台,覆盖全产业链,从主机厂,到电池包厂商,正负极材料,隔膜,铝塑膜等企业以及各个工艺过程中的设备厂商,欢迎申请加入。
